Festa Da Favela
sâmbătă, 2 martie 2024 @ 22:00 - 05:00
| 40 leiPregatiti-va sa petreceti pe un vibe nemaintalnit pana acum la petrecerea Festa da Favela in stil brazilian. Combinam pasiunea noastra pentru cultura si muzica braziliana cu placerea de a dansa pana dimineata. Va asteptam pe 2 Martie la Fabrica Club, Bucuresti incepand cu ora 10 pana dimineata la o noapte de neuitat.
Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant beats and electrifying energy of Festa da Favela! We have a deep appreciation for the Brazilian culture and music, and the thrill of dancing into the early hours of the morning. Join us on March 2nd at Fabrica Club, at 10 PM for an unforgettable night that will have you partying until dawn.
Ce fel de muzica o sa fie?
O sa dansam impreuna pe melodii de la Anitta, Major Lazer, Ludmilla, MC Kevinho, MC Fioti, Tropikillaz, ZAAC, Nego do Borel, Luisa Sonza, J Balvin, Alok, Cat Dealers, Maluma, si multi altii.
Impreuna cu DJ Filip Marchidan vom petrece pana dimineata.
Va asteptam!!!
What kind of music is going to be there?
You will shake the dance floor on music from Anitta, Major Lazer, Ludmilla, MC Kevinho, MC Fioti, Tropikillaz, ZAAC, Nego do Borel, Luisa Sonza, J Balvin, Alok, Cat Dealers, Maluma, and many more.
Together with DJ Filip Marchidan we will party until dawn.
We can’t wait to see you there!!!