Painkiller – the 33rd Anniversary Tribute Show + Spill the Blood (Slayer Tribute)
sâmbătă, 11 noiembrie 2023 @ 19:00
| 60 lei – 80 leiMuzicieni ce activeaza in formatii cunoscute fanilor si-au unit fortele pentru a aduce un tribut probabil celui mai bun album JUDAS PRIEST – PAINKILLER, la aniversarea a 33 de ani. Pentru a marca acest eveniment, albumul PAINKILLER va fi redat integral, intr-un show special. Special guest : SPILL THE BLOOD – SLAYER cover band (Bulgaria).
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Pentru tributul „Painkiller” se va performa in formula :
Cosmin Aioniță (9.7 RICHTER, SnakeyeS) – voce
Lucian „Trigger” Gruia (9.7 RICHTER) – chitara
Andrei Costan (Psychogod, ex-Blacksheep, ex-Blind Spirits) – chitara
Sorin Tudor (Abigail, DinUmbra) – bass
Alex „Gomez” Dăscăloiu (L.O.S.T.) – tobe.
1. „Painkiller”
2. „Hell Patrol”
3. „All Guns Blazing”
4. „Leather Rebel”
5. „Metal Meltdown”
6. „Night Crawler”
7. „Between the Hammer & the Anvil”
8. „A Touch of Evil”
9. „Battle Hymn”
10. „One Shot at Glory”
PAINKILLER is the twelfth studio album by British heavy metal band Judas Priest, released in September 1990. It is the last Judas Priest album to feature lead singer Rob Halford until his return for the 2005 album Angel of Retribution and the first to feature drummer Scott Travis.
Painkiller is the first Judas Priest album to feature drummer Scott Travis, who replaced long-time drummer Dave Holland in 1989. Travis was previously a member of Los Angeles band Racer X and with his heavy use of double pedals and blast beats, it gave Judas Priest a new sound and heavier edge.
The album was recorded at Miraval Studios, Brignoles, France in early 1990 and mixed at Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, the Netherlands later that year. It was produced by the band and Chris Tsangarides, marking the first time since 1978’s Killing Machine that Judas Priest had not worked with Tom Allom and the first time since 1976’s Sad Wings of Destiny that Judas Priest and Tsangarides worked together.
Despite the album being finished in March 1990, the album’s release was delayed due to the pending, much-publicized subliminal message trial that began on 16 July 1990. The band was the subject of a civil lawsuit alleging their recording was responsible for the suicide attempts of two young men in Reno, Nevada on 23 December 1985. The case was eventually dismissed on 24 August 1990. With the trial behind them, the band finally released the album on 3 September 1990 on LP, cassette and CD.
The album was certified Gold by RIAA in January 1991. A remastered CD was released in May 2001, including a live recording of „Leather Rebel” and a previously unreleased song, „Living Bad Dreams”. The album received a Grammy nomination for Best Metal Performance at the 33rd Annual Grammy Awards, losing to Metallica’s cover of the Queen song „Stone Cold Crazy”.
Critical reaction to Painkiller has been overwhelmingly positive, especially from the metal community. Steve Huey of Allmusic, praised the album, saying that it was one of Judas Priest’s best albums in years adding that „Travis’ thunderous (and crisp-sounding) percussive maelstrom lights an immediate fire under the bandmembers’ asses; Glenn Tipton and K.K. Downing tear through a crushing, diabolical riff; and Rob Halford starts shrieking like a wicked witch, giving perhaps the most malevolent-sounding performance of his career. It’s a startling statement of musical purpose that arrived seemingly out of nowhere, heralding a comeback that rivals George Foreman’s.” Mikesn of Sputnikmusic gave the album a 5 out of 5, stating that „Painkiller is full of many memorable riffs and leads from Glenn and K.K. Among the finest moments of the album come from the intense riffing combined with Halford’s wailing vocals. The songs found on Painkiller are very energetic from start to finish, and each member seems to feed off each other’s performances.” On, the album holds an average score of 92% based on 26 reviews.[10]
Most of the album’s tracks were performed live on the Painkiller World Tour, with the title track becoming one of the band’s concert staples. „Hell Patrol”, „All Guns Blazing”, „A Touch of Evil”, „Night Crawler” and „Between the Hammer and the Anvil” have all returned to the setlist on later tours, while „Metal Meltdown” and „Leather Rebel” were retired after only a few performances in 1990. „One Shot at Glory” and the intro „Battle Hymn” are the only tracks not yet performed live from the album.
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Afisul a fost realizat de catre Radu Otarasanu.
Un eveniment „Rusidava Management & Psychosounds Music SRL”, beneficiind de gazduirea clubului „Fabrica”.